Oct 19, 2008

Sentinel Live on Peralta TV !!!

Hey Guys and Gals,

Yes, it's true, you can catch a performance with some really lovely tunes from our past albums, on 9th floor radio, TV show.
The "Live From Laney" performance will be aired on TV the following dates/times.

Mark your Calendars! :)

Fridays -

October 24th, 11pm-11:30pm

October 31st, 11pm-11:30pm

November 7th, 11pm-11:30pm

On Peralta TV, Cable Station 27 (Berkeley)
and 28 (Oakland). People can also watch through
the 9th Floor Radio website, www. 9thfloorradio. com;
just click the "watch online" button.

The link to 9th Floor TV programming:
http://www. 9thfloorradio. com/tvschedule. html

yours, Sentinel

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